Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dutch Door Construction

Dutch Door construction for the in and out stall is underway! :) Weather has forced us to do this instead of the dry-lots/ mud pits this weekend. Looking forward to be able to closing stalls and keeping babies toasty warm when north winds blow. Thanks to Paul for his design and all his hard work and Donna for helping! I couldn't do it without you!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Here is Anne's rescue, Flint. Nichole can post more later. He is a real sweetheart. And of course Lucy has to be in the pic ;)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Our first post!

This will be our new spot for exciting news and pics of West Creek Arabians!

Be sure to check back in to see what Nic and Riley have going on in the barn. We promise lots of pics, information, nutritional news, and just plain fun.

Thanks! Nic and Riley